How Pokemon Go Can Increase Your Fertility

Let's be honest, you downloaded Pokemon Go during the summer (I did too!). In between seeing patients, I found myself walking more, trying to hit up all the Poke stops in the Bloor West area, and pushing myself to go that extra 200m to catch anything that wasn't a Drowsee. I notice that every time I finish a good walk I feel incredibly refreshed, my mind is quiet, and my body feels nourished. You might be thinking "That's great Alexsia, but what does this have to do with my fertility?" Well, this is where TCM concept of stagnation comes into play.


If you read my article on the TCM concept of the liver (read it here), you'll remember that the liver has a big impact on our qi (energy) and helps it flow smoothly throughout the body. When women are stressed it can have a big emotional impact, lead to feelings of anger and frustration, and makes our period less pleasant.


In women, stagnation has its biggest effect on our menstrual cycle. It can transform a normal healthy cycle into one where we experience symptoms of premenstrual pain such as abdominal cramping and breast tenderness, and impact the regularity of our periods causing them to be irregular or stop completely.

While it's easy to pop an Advil or two to deal with the pain, eliminating the true cause will be much better for your fertility in the long run.


Exercise has been shown to be an effective way to decrease stress, helps our body to produce qi and encourages it's movement. Depending on your energy, you might benefit from a daily 5k run or a simple walk around the block. Because most women are under huge amounts of stress, it may be best to start with a short walk around the block.

This is why Pokemon Go is fantastic for our fertility. It gets us outside walking to each Poke stop, hatching eggs and catching anything but a Drowsee. As we're walking, we're actively letting go all of those unwanted feelings of anger and frustration, minimizing the those awful PMS symptoms, decreasing the amount of Advil and promoting a regular flow.


Incorporating certain foods and exercise can do wonders to eliminate our stagnation. Acupuncture is an even better way to do that! Our bodies have specific points that when stimulated, actively work to move our qi. The best part: a single 30 minute session can do wonders when it comes to decreasing stress. If you're interested in learning how acupuncture can optimize your fertility, book an appointment with me!

Hopefully you've come away with a plan of action! If you love learning about your body and period, be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter called The Flow for great and informative content like this!


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