Mom Squad with Olivia Scobie (Coach, Counsellor, Doula)

I had the pleasure of meeting Olivia last year at one of the postpartum mom groups that she runs (she has groups in both the Junction and Danforth area).  She sets a calming and supportive tone where moms can honestly share how they are doing, what's bothering them, share advice and support other moms who are transitioning into their new mother roles. Read on to learn more about how Olivia supports moms (and families!) and how you can connect with her. 

What problem are you solving?

Wanting to make mental health services for parents more affordable and accessible. Through the not-for-profit, Postpartum Support Toronto, we offer free drop in groups and an online group for parents struggling while adjusting to life with a baby. In my personal therapy practice, I offer e-counselling or home visits for parents having trouble getting out of the house as well as online group courses to make therapeutic content as affordable as possible.

When should a woman access your services?

After a baby if she is feeling anxious, depressed, or like she isn’t enjoying motherhood the way she thought she would. Also if she has had birth trauma. Moms with older kids should contact me if they are feeling overwhelmed or struggling with work/life balance.

What’s your personal or professional motto?

“nil carborundum illegitimi” (translation - Don’t let the bastards grind you down)

What’s your favourite thing about your workspace?

I just re-did my office and love it so much now! Besides new art and freshly painted walls, I now have a tea station for clients and an aromatherapy diffuser, which makes it feel extra cozy and comfortable.

What’s the first thing you do every morning to start your day off right?

Coffee. I like to start each morning and a coffee and seeing what’s been happening on social media. I’d like to say I meditate and do yoga, but I much prefer caffeine and celebrity gossip.

What’s your favourite self-care practice?

Bubble bath + wine + zombie movie is an evening combo that can’t be beat. I bring the laptop into the bathroom and just keep refilling the tub with warm water (and the wine glass with fresh wine) until the movie is over.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Everything changes. Just when you think you can’t go on, things change. And just when you think you have it all figure out, it changes again. Tough time and worth riding out and good times are worth enjoying when they are happening.

What unexpected lessons have you learned along the way?

Not to wait to ask for help. I tend to think I need to figure everything out on my own, but it’s pretty incredible how people step up if you just ask them ☺

Connect with Olivia!





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Other #MomSquad members: Angelique Montano-Bresolin (Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist)


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