Acupuncture for C-Section Scars

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that has been used for over 3,000 years to treat various ailments and improve overall health. It involves the insertion of thin needles into the skin at specific points of the body to rebalance energy flow in the body.

One area where acupuncture has shown remarkable results is in treating Cesarean section scars. C-sections are a common surgical procedure that involves the delivery of a baby through an incision in the pregnant person’s body through 6 layers - the skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia, rectus abdominus (this is usually spread apart), peritoneum and uterus. At times, the resulting scar can be red and cause pain, discomfort, and tightness.

One acupuncture technique that may be effective in treating c-section scars is known as "surrounding the dragon." This is a minimally invasive and safe treatment for C-section scars which involves inserting acupuncture needles around the scar.

Benefits of Acupuncture for C-Section Scars

Some benefits of surrounding the dragon acupuncture technique for C-section scars include:

  1. Improved circulation: The acupuncture needles inserted around the scar promote improved circulation and blood flow, helping to break down and reduce the appearance of scar tissue.

  2. Pain relief: The needles stimulate the nerves around the scar, releasing endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers. Clients often report a reduction in pain and discomfort after treatment.

  3. Reduced scar tissue: The technique may help to break down the scar tissue, reducing the thickness and visibility of the scar.

  4. Improved range of motion: Scars can cause tightness and restricted movement in the surrounding tissues. Acupuncture may help improve range of motion, and reduce discomfort in the affected area.

Next Steps

The “surrounding the dragon” acupuncture technique for C-section scars is a safe and effective alternative treatment option for people looking to improve the appearance and overall well-being of their scars. The treatment is non-invasive, promotes healing, improves circulation, reduces pain, increases range of motion and enhances overall wellbeing.

This technique can also complement the Dolphin Neurostim for C-section scar therapy.

If you are considering acupuncture for your C-section scar, feel free to book an appointment with me.


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