How does acupuncture help with IVF outcomes?

As more and more couples are turning towards In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) during their fertility journey, acupuncture is becoming an increasingly popular complementary therapy to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy and live birth. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine technique that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote healing.

How does acupuncture help with IVF?

Acupuncture can play a crucial role in increasing the success rates of IVF. Here are a few ways in which acupuncture may help:

  1. Improves Blood Flow: Blood flow is essential for the reproductive system to optimally function. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, providing nourishment to the eggs and may improve their quality. When preparing for a frozen embryo transfer, it also increases blood flow to the endometrial lining, which helps with implantation.

  2. Relaxes the Body: Stress can adversely affect fertility and IVF success rates. Before you book your next vacation and “just relax” (#unhelpfulfertilityadvice), acupuncture has been shown to reduce stress levels by calming the nervous system and increasing the production of endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers and mood enhancers.

  3. Balances Hormones: Hormones play a crucial role in fertility. Acupuncture can help regulate hormonal levels by stimulating the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis, contributing to better egg quality and increased chances of successful implantation.

  4. Reduces Side Effects of Medications: Many medications used in IVF can cause unpleasant side effects like bloating, headaches, and mood swings. Acupuncture can help alleviate these side effects and make the experience more comfortable (as it can be).

  5. Enhances Immune Function: A healthy immune system is necessary for a successful pregnancy. Acupuncture helps increase the production of white blood cells, which boosts the immune system and can prevent miscarriage.

When to start acupuncture for IVF?

Many clients come into my office a few days before their egg retrieval or frozen embryo transfer for their first treatment. While this is certainly fine, it’s ideal to begin acupuncture at least 3 months prior to the start of the IVF process.

This is because folliculogenesis (the maturation of the egg) is about 90 days. If this isn’t possible, starting during the down regulation or suppression phase would also be a good place to start acupuncture for IVF. Essentially, acupuncture isn’t a one and done treatment unfortunately.

How often should you come in for acupuncture for IVF?

If you are able to begin 90 days before your IVF cycle, coming in weekly tends to be standard. No doubt that these appointments can add up (in both time and money), so depending on the circumstance - I sometimes recommend weekly appointments when the cycle begins.

During an IVF egg-retrieval cycle:

  • Down-regulation phase/Supression: Acupuncture can help recruit more follicles, support and decrease feelings of stress, and alleviate any side effects brought on by medication (ex. birth control, lupron, estrace, etc.)

  • Stimulation phase: acupuncture may help improve your ovary’s response to the medication (ex. Gonal F, menopur, lupron, etrotide. etc.).

  • After the Trigger Shot: acupuncture can help with egg maturation, so more mature eggs may be retrieved.

During a frozen embryo transfer (FET):

  • Acupuncture may help grow an ideal endometrial lining.

  • The “two-week wait”: acupuncture may help to decrease stress levels as well as prevent miscarriage (by using points that support pregnancy).

Are you a good candidate for acupuncture for IVF?

If you’re a good candidate for IVF, you’re a good candidate for acupuncture.

Next Steps

Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with IVF, and some studies have shown that women who undergo acupuncture before and after IVF have a higher pregnancy rate.

Real talk though - IVF is expensive. Especially if you’ve already used your government funding. If you’re going through IVF again, why not take the time to address your diet, lifestyle habits and ensure that if you’re taking any supplements - they are appropriate for you. Naturopathic Doctors can help you with all of this, while respecting your plan with your Reproductive Endocrinologist.

If you're considering acupuncture for IVF as a complementary therapy or want to support your body as a whole during fertility treatments, feel free to book an appointment with me.


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